Earlier this week TCC’s top speakers competed in the Senior Oratory Competition, passionately speaking on a range of important social issues which made for an entertaining and thought-provoking night for the audience and our adjudicators.
Students showed they had thoroughly researched their topics, were well-rehearsed and performed their speeches at an exceptionally high level. Adjudicators echoing this
sentiment in their address before announcing the winners last night.
Congratulations to all our speakers who presented at the competition and to our year level winners.
Year 10 Winner: Charlotte
Year 10 Runner Up: Honey
Year 11 Winner: Sydney
Year 11 Runner Up: Addison
Year 12 Winner: Chelsea
Year 12 Runners Up: Taitum, Felix, Angelina and Brooke
Thank you to the adjudicators, student timekeepers and all staff who helped make the evening one of excellence!
We caught up with Diocesan Director of Catholic Education, Ms Leesa Jeffcoat who was one of our guest adjudicators and reflects on the event. Please view the video below.